European approach to winter holidays
Christmas symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, it is a celebration of love and happiness throughout the world. People share warm wishes, try to congratulate all relatives and friends. The…

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7 romantic places to stay in Spain
Dreaming of a romantic weekend for two? Why not opt ​​for Spain? This country is famous not only for its warm climate, ideal for sea holidays, but also for its…

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Iceland: what's useful on the route
Already very soon, from mid-May, the season begins on the Martian island of the Earth - Iceland.And there is a great temptation to talk about her as much as possible,…

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Logical, incomprehensible and strange bans on sea cruises
We talk about the rules during the sea cruise, which a traveler may encounter.The idea of ​​a sea cruise can fill the heart of every traveler with joy.The boundless water…


everyone basks

Germany – almost parallel universe

Many of us have heard more than once about a special way of life in Germany, different from ours. And about the zealousness and pedantry of the Germans and all the jokes go. In fact, these are not such jokes, and what seems strange to us is quite common in Germany. These 10 facts will prove that Germany in some moments is practically a parallel universe.

1. What’s in my name?
Most Germans despise “sticky” greetings and stick to handshakes. With regard to appeals, in Germany there is a certain regulation, which differs from the usual to us. If in Russia you can shout to your neighbor “Hello, Ivanovich” or say hello to your elder colleague “Hello, Alla!”, Then in Germany this will not work. Continue reading

Country of rigor and luxury: 8 myths about life in the United Arab Emirates

Most of us are accustomed to think of the United Arab Emirates as a country where gold surrounds everyone everywhere, and the rules of behavior are strictly regulated. However, not all is gold that glitters, and even the UAE has stereotypes that do not quite correspond to reality.

1. Alcohol in the UAE
The overwhelming majority of the indigenous people of the United Arab Emirates are Sunni Muslims and strictly follow Sharia law, where it is written in black and white that alcohol is a sin and an abomination. Continue reading

Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for…


Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist
Sicily - one of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock of the Italian boot”, is a favorite vacation spot with the locals and…


Finland: one day in Kouvola
Small Finnish cities are unlikely to impress tourists with ancient architecture, many sights or a huge number of memorable places and entertainment centers. Rather, they will be remembered for tranquility,…
