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Holidays in Sri Lanka

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), an island nation in South Asia, south of the Indian subcontinent.

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Indian subcontinent. The total area of ​​65610 square meters. km., length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east, 225 km. In the center of the island is the central mountain range. The average height of the mountains is 1000-2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise higher. The highest point of the island – Mount Pidurutalagala has a height of 2524 m. However, the most famous majestic Adam peak – 2243 m.

The national parks of Vilpatu and Inginyagala, as well as the huge zoo Dehiwala in the suburbs of Colombo are very popular among tourists. In Dekhiwala, you will see such an unusual sight as the dance of elephants. National Park in Yala is a beautiful reserve, which preserve all the conditions of wildlife. Driving along special roads through the wilderness. You will see all the beauty of the landscapes of Sri Lanka. You will meet leisurely herds of elephants, graceful leopards and slender deer. In addition, there live monkeys, bison, anteaters and many birds. From a closed car or house you can watch unique scenes from the animal world.

Flora. Approximately 29% of the land is cultivated. About 22% of the area is covered by forests. Because of the high humidity, the vegetation is rich and lush, with a huge variety of trees (from exotic palm trees and ebony to Ceylon oak and acacia), lianas, bushes and flowers, including orchids and rhododendrons.

Fauna. Wildlife is preserved on 10% of the island’s area. The island is inhabited by various animal species, including elephants, leopards, deer, monkeys, sloths, wild boars, cobras, crocodiles and turtles. The island is a refuge for many migratory birds. Pink flamingos fly to Ceylon, fleeing from the northern winter in warm lagoons and wet lands. The best time for bird watching is from January to April.

Nature reserves and national parks. Perhaps the most famous of the four national parks of Sri Lanka is Ruhuna National Park, located in the very south of the country in the province of Yalla. Three other national parks of Willatho, Udavalave and Bundala are also very popular.

The visitor is amazed by the richness of the tropical fauna and flora that has been preserved on this small island. Since ancient times, Sri Lanka has exported gorgeous peacocks and elephants for the royal palaces of the West and the East. Nevertheless, the country is proud of the fact that tourists can communicate with these and many other members of the tropical jungle by visiting national parks.

The capital of Colombo is a population of 1.2 million. Kandy has about 104 thousand inhabitants, the former capital of the last Sinhalese state. Galle (84 thousand inhabitants) is the administrative center of the Southern Province and a small port.

Weather and Climate

Tropical: warm (average temperature 28-30 C) and humid. Air humidity is about 75%. Seasonal weather changes associated with monsoons are not cutting. It rains mostly at night (the rainiest months are June and September). The water temperature is about 26C.


In Sri Lanka in 1996, 18.3 million people lived.Tongue Sinhala, Tamil, English.Religion

The main religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam. There are no strict requirements for clothes in the country, however, it is not recommended to go to temples in shorts, in clothes with open back and shoulders, and when entering the temple you need to take off your shoes.

Probably there is no other country in the world where there are as many holidays as in Sri Lanka. In addition to all Sundays, all important Christian, Muslim and Nduist holidays are celebrated. All Buddhist and national holidays are also celebrated. Every day of the full moon, called Polya, is a Buddhist holiday. On the day of the full moon all places of entertainment, including and bars are closing. In total, Sri Lanka has 72 holidays per year.


The world knows the traditional Lankan spices, flavored tea of ​​all sorts of varieties, exotic fruits, gems, batik and, of course, the warmth of the friendly owners of the island. You will have the opportunity to try some wonderful traditional dishes, including delicious “curry” – specially prepared meat or vegetables with spices and rice.


The roads in Sri Lanka are well-covered, but narrow, heavily loaded, with right-hand traffic.

Car rental. For personal trips, you can rent a car. You can check with the receptionist for the location of the nearest car rental agency. However, for your safety, we recommend using the services of a chauffeur or ordering a taxi. The approximate cost for 1 km – 20 cents.

Additional information

International telephone. You can call by international phone from your hotel, however, the call will cost you much cheaper if you use the services of postal agencies or international telephone machines.

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