25 places to visit in Thailand
Seasoned tourists admit that after a holiday in Thailand they are difficult to surprise with something. This country is a concentrate of impressions that has absorbed everything that the traveler…

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Tips for tourists in Muslim countries
In the Muslim world, it is not customary for a woman to travel alone, so you need to be attentive to local customs. Many Muslim countries remain very conservative in…

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Top 7 best beach resorts for families with children
Traveling with children requires careful preparation. It is necessary to choose a resort with a mild climate, a hotel with a children's menu, a pool, animators, and a quiet area.…

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Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
In most hotels, pets are not allowed. But this is not a reason to refuse to leave with your favorite! Of course, you can leave your four-legged friend close to…


real museum of architecture

Holidays in Vietnam

Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for swimming or diving, improve your health in the centers of traditional Vietnamese medicine, on hot springs, and simultaneously make successful shopping.

Vietnam has managed to preserve its rich civilization and high culture, despite the pressure of the advancing civilization. The country attracts tourists with picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, ancient architectural monuments, exotic and very inexpensive cuisine, as well as comfortable hotels with the highest service. Continue reading

How to get maximum pleasure from travel

Going to another city or country, we always want to get bright and positive emotions. Traveling should and can bring good mood. The main thing – to know how to prepare for the road and stay so as to get maximum pleasure.

And immediately advice for the future: if even some negative factors affect your trip, then try not to dwell on it. Continue reading

Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist

Sicily – one of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock of the Italian boot”, is a favorite vacation spot with the locals and will not leave indifferent even the most demanding tourist.

Here everyone will find something for themselves. Fans of the resort will be pleased with the abundance of beaches – with golden sand, small pebbles or large stones, picturesque grottoes, the opportunity to plunge into the Tyrrhenian, Ionian and Mediterranean seas that bathe sunny Sicily. Continue reading

Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
In most hotels, pets are not allowed. But this is not a reason to refuse to leave with your favorite! Of course, you can leave your four-legged friend close to…


The rules of shopping in Egypt: what to bring from the "Land of the Pyramids"?
Egypt has long occupied a leading position among the countries of rest. There is a beach holiday, and sightseeing, and extreme. Be sure to visit the capital of the "Countries…


Tourist guide: a trip to Sri Lanka
The tourism industry of Sri Lanka is well developed. The island is famous for its tea plantations in Ceylon, the mountain slopes of Nuvara Eliya, and religious and historical monuments…
