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8 best directions to celebrate the New Year

With the approach of winter, many people think about where to celebrate the New Year and Christmas holidays. After all, it must be a special atmosphere, bright and memorable. Some want to go to Europe, while others prefer hot countries. We have selected 8 destinations for every taste, where you will spend the New Year holidays unforgettably.

Czech Republic, Prague
New Year in Prague is celebrated by big noisy companies. Czechs gather on the Old Town Square near the Prague Astronomical Clock, chorus count 12 seconds to midnight and fill glasses with mulled wine. After, according to tradition, they go to Charles Bridge to make a wish near the statue of John of Nepomuk. On New Year’s Eve, local musicians perform, a festive disco is arranged.

In the stylized restaurants they sell fried sausages and old Czech pancakes. In the evening of January 1, a salute is launched on the bank near the Vltava River, which is considered the most beautiful in the Czech Republic.

France Paris
A few weeks before the celebration, in France, Christmas trees are decorated, festive illuminations are set and houses are decorated with garlands. On the Freedom Square runs a ferris wheel, and near the city hall of Paris poured an ice rink. In the holidays, the French drink champagne and eat roasted chestnuts. In addition, during the Christmas and New Year holidays in the shops and at street fairs in Paris, you can buy gifts and souvenirs with favorable discounts. The largest markets are located in the La Défense quarter, on the main street of the city, the Champs Elysées. The first gifts in France are presented on the night of December 5-6 (St. Nicholas Day). Those who want to celebrate New Year in a romantic atmosphere are offered night cruises on the Seine River.

Germany, Munich
On the main square of Munich, it is customary to celebrate Christmas, and the New Year is celebrated in the family circle. On the eve of the celebration, the locals decorate the front door of the house with a Christmas wreath with four candles. The first candle is lit 4 weeks before Christmas, the next one one every Sunday until December 25th. Germans decorate their homes with fir and fir branches, candy, toys. In the center of the city set the Christmas tree, the streets are decorated with garlands. More than 20 trade fairs are held in the city at this time, the most popular is located on Marienplatz square. Gingerbread is sold everywhere, mulled wine is brewed in huge cauldrons, and the Bavarian Opera traditionally presents Tchaikovsky’s New Year tale The Nutcracker.

Turkey, Istanbul
On New Year’s Eve, the Turks have a traditionally celebratory dinner. As a rule, dishes of national cuisine are served on the table: kebab, beef saute, kefte, as well as desserts – Turkish delight and baklava. During the winter holidays, light shows and noisy concerts are held in Istanbul. On the evening of December 31, locals and tourists gather at the Galata Bridge. For couples in love, it is proposed to walk along the Bosphorus on a ship, from which you will observe festive fireworks with a glass of champagne.

India, Goa
Despite the fact that in the winter in Goa “real summer”, on New Year’s holidays thousands of tourists visit the resort. Travelers go here to celebrate New Year at the seaside and get acquainted with local celebration rites. On the night of December 31st to January 1st, local residents burn a scarecrow on the shore, jump over the fire, walk on the coal, thereby clearing themselves from the negative of the past year. New Year’s concerts are organized at the resort, residents launch fireworks, and instead of trees Christmas trees are decorated with palm trees.

Poland Warsaw
New Year in Poland is celebrated fun and noisy. The city is decorated with New Year’s illuminations, garlands are shining around, festivities with fireworks are organized on the streets, the locals congratulate each other. Unlike our traditional champagne, New Year’s drink in Poland is Gzhanec – hot beer with spices and syrup. The most popular for celebrating the New Year is Constitution Square, the Zamkova Square and the Krakow Suburb – here music and dancing go on all night.

Indonesia, Bali
Those who are tired of city life and want to relax on the New Year’s holidays in harmony with nature, will suit Bali. Instead of large hotels, there are mostly cozy bungalows, a relaxed atmosphere and a high level of service. On December 31, there will be no noisy parties and actively celebrating companies on the island, because the New Year in Indonesia is celebrated in March. In addition to the clean sandy beaches in Bali, tourists can enjoy the spectacular scenery, visit the ancient temples, go diving or relax in the spa.

Finland, Rovaniemi
It is Finland that is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus. Near the resort is his residence, which on the eve of the New Year holidays turns into a real fairy tale. In the village of Santa Claus, tourists can ride in reindeer sledding and go for winter fishing. In addition, located near the ski complex “SantaSport”, equipped with high-quality trails of various difficulties.

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