Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of the resort and the hotel, the selection of the tour, the preparation for the trip. Making an insurance…

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8 best directions to celebrate the New Year
With the approach of winter, many people think about where to celebrate the New Year and Christmas holidays. After all, it must be a special atmosphere, bright and memorable. Some…

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8 best directions to celebrate the New Year
With the approach of winter, many people think about where to celebrate the New Year and Christmas holidays. After all, it must be a special atmosphere, bright and memorable. Some…

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Favorite Turkey: a short guide to Kemer
Kemer is a Mediterranean resort of Turkey with a favorable climate and warm sea. It has to active recreation: surfing, diving, riding a water scooter, safari, snorkeling ... Tourist influx…


very south

Holidays in Sri Lanka

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), an island nation in South Asia, south of the Indian subcontinent.

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Indian subcontinent. The total area of ​​65610 square meters. km., length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east, 225 km. In the center of the island is the central mountain range. The average height of the mountains is 1000-2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise higher. The highest point of the island – Mount Pidurutalagala has a height of 2524 m. However, the most famous majestic Adam peak – 2243 m. Continue reading

Finland: one day in Kouvola
Small Finnish cities are unlikely to impress tourists with ancient architecture, many sights or a huge number of memorable places and entertainment centers. Rather, they will be remembered for tranquility,…


Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
In most hotels, pets are not allowed. But this is not a reason to refuse to leave with your favorite! Of course, you can leave your four-legged friend close to…


Germany - almost parallel universe
Many of us have heard more than once about a special way of life in Germany, different from ours. And about the zealousness and pedantry of the Germans and all…
