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Everything tourists need to know about Cambodia

Let’s talk about stereotypes and real facts around the country that are unknown to many tourists. Cambodia is an extremely amazing, original and unique country, about which modern travelers, unfortunately, know not so much.

Ignorance, in turn, gives rise to a lot of stereotypes, fears and conjectures that impede tourism – many people are simply afraid to go here. In their investigation, RIA Novosti reported on the “fables” that were harassing the country and real facts that are known to a small number of travelers.

According to experienced travelers, located next to Cambodia, Thailand is called by many “the land of smiles.”
Everything tourists need to know about Cambodia
In part, this is really true, but not a smaller number of smiling, affable and self-reliant people are among the Cambodians. People in this country live is not easy, but they are full of optimism and determination to change their lives for the better.

Perhaps one of the main and at the same time horrifying events for the country was the civil war that ended in Cambodia only 30 years ago. To this day, its echo is echoing in all corners of this state.

In particular, in almost any city you can meet people with disabilities – people who are victims of global mining. Non-activated mines are found throughout the country to this day, but local authorities and the military are taking all the necessary measures to ensure the safety of both indigenous people and tourists coming to the country.

Thus, the stereotype that a trip to Cambodia can be fatal, and from trips to this country “no one returns” hardly have the right to life. In any case, people who do not ignore the rules and safety techniques have nothing to fear.

A no less stupid stereotype is that Cambodians feed exclusively on cockroaches and other disgusting insects, ignoring other foods. Of course, these are just rumors and inventions of particularly impressionable tourists.
Everything tourists need to know about Cambodia
The fact is that during the war, food in the country was quite small, and people really had to eat insects, but today there is no such problem. Bike about cockroaches, in turn, is only an attraction and a harsh reminder of the past.

A kind of tourist gem of the country is the temple complex of Angkor. In the IX-XV centuries, Angkor was the capital of the Khmer state, uniting the territories of modern Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. This place is one of the most revered relics in the world of Buddhism.
It is noteworthy that despite its venerable age, the temples are perfectly preserved to this day, which means travelers can see them in their original state. It is believed that this place became a prototype for the monkey town of Cold Berlog in the works of Kipling about Mowgli.

No less interest among tourists cause floating villages located on the lake Tonle Sap. The villagers have become accustomed to the surprised exclamations and sighs of travelers, who sometimes do not understand how they are able to build their way of life, moving on boats and building houses on the water.

It is noteworthy that the settlement was formed not because of the limited space on land, but because previously only local people could live on the land, while the “newcomers” were forced to settle on the water. In the village, in addition to houses, there is a floating school and even a floating police station.

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