Global Warming: Places to visit
Leave your dream, such as diving on the Great Barrier Reef, skiing in the Swiss Alps - can always remain a dream, if you do not hurry, writes McClatchy News…

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Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for…

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Favorite Turkey: a short guide to Kemer
Kemer is a Mediterranean resort of Turkey with a favorable climate and warm sea. It has to active recreation: surfing, diving, riding a water scooter, safari, snorkeling ... Tourist influx…

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What to take on a trip
Every trip can be stressful before it starts. And in order to avoid this, it is worthwhile to think in advance what to take and start collecting. First, a few…


graceful leopards

Holidays in Sri Lanka

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), an island nation in South Asia, south of the Indian subcontinent.

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Indian subcontinent. The total area of ​​65610 square meters. km., length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east, 225 km. In the center of the island is the central mountain range. The average height of the mountains is 1000-2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise higher. The highest point of the island – Mount Pidurutalagala has a height of 2524 m. However, the most famous majestic Adam peak – 2243 m. Continue reading

Tips for tourists in Muslim countries
In the Muslim world, it is not customary for a woman to travel alone, so you need to be attentive to local customs. Many Muslim countries remain very conservative in…


4 popular tourist cities, which in reality can greatly disappoint
Perhaps each of us at least once dreamed of being in Paris or Rome, imagining how he would breathe in the air, soaked in antiquity and admire the famous monuments.…


Strange New Year traditions of the world
Despite the fact that the New Year is a traditional holiday and, in principle, one for all, each country has its own ways to meet the future with dignity and…
