Strange New Year traditions of the world
Despite the fact that the New Year is a traditional holiday and, in principle, one for all, each country has its own ways to meet the future with dignity and…

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Top 5 Turkish cities to see
Turkey has long been among the top resort countries among holidaymakers in the CIS and Europe. A country with a long history, which has everything your heart desires - hot…

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How to get maximum pleasure from travel
Going to another city or country, we always want to get bright and positive emotions. Traveling should and can bring good mood. The main thing - to know how to…

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Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of the resort and the hotel, the selection of the tour, the preparation for the trip. Making an insurance…


people in scarves

4 popular tourist cities, which in reality can greatly disappoint

Perhaps each of us at least once dreamed of being in Paris or Rome, imagining how he would breathe in the air, soaked in antiquity and admire the famous monuments. The pictures of tourist guides and television programs about traveling all look so rosy and romantic, only dreams sometimes break on the harsh reality, and famous sights do not cause a welcome thrill. We have collected 12 popular tourist cities, which in reality can be very disappointing. Continue reading

How to get maximum pleasure from travel
Going to another city or country, we always want to get bright and positive emotions. Traveling should and can bring good mood. The main thing - to know how to…


Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…


Velvet season: where to go for a vacation in the fall?
Initially, the period around the Easter holiday was called the velvet season. The last weeks of April and the first weeks of May were considered golden days when it was…
