8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with beautiful landscapes, favorable conditions for water sports are important to others, and others have plenty…

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Travel to Zanzibar: amazing sights of the island
Traveler called Zanzibar "African" Maldives - the resort is considered one of the best destinations for recreation all year round. The archipelago includes 75 islands washed by the waters of…

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Holidays in Sri Lanka
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), an island nation in South Asia, south of the Indian subcontinent. Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south…

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Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…


city itself

Holidays in Vietnam

Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for swimming or diving, improve your health in the centers of traditional Vietnamese medicine, on hot springs, and simultaneously make successful shopping.

Vietnam has managed to preserve its rich civilization and high culture, despite the pressure of the advancing civilization. The country attracts tourists with picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, ancient architectural monuments, exotic and very inexpensive cuisine, as well as comfortable hotels with the highest service. Continue reading

Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…


Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
In most hotels, pets are not allowed. But this is not a reason to refuse to leave with your favorite! Of course, you can leave your four-legged friend close to…


Religious tourism
Pilgrimage, or travel with religious purposes - one of the oldest forms of tourism, which has deep historical roots. Medieval pilgrims were among the first tourists.Religious travel has three main…
