10 of the worst tourist places on earth
Halloween holiday will come soon. But why wait so long to tickle your nerves and "inject" adrenaline into the blood? We offer you a list of the most terrible, in…

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Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for…

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Top 10 coolest water parks
Water parks are gaining more and more popularity around the world and are an excellent alternative to traditional amusement parks. And although the presence of the water park can not…

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Country of rigor and luxury: 8 myths about life in the United Arab Emirates
Most of us are accustomed to think of the United Arab Emirates as a country where gold surrounds everyone everywhere, and the rules of behavior are strictly regulated. However, not…


maximum pleasure

Morocco – hit parade of the best beaches.

Have you ever been to a place where so many resorts are gathered at once that you had to choose where you will rest today? And in the summer you like to go where the sea, the sun and the heat?If you answered yes to the second question, and plan to spend your summer vacation somewhere near the southern sea, do not miss the opportunity to visit Morocco! There are so many resorts, beaches and just places for a pleasant holiday, that you will be able to move from one place to another all the time you have to rest, tasting new and new pleasures and ways of relaxation. Continue reading

A brief guide to Sharm el-Sheikh
Bright sun, two of the warmest seas, beautiful coral reefs, unusual underwater flora, rest for every taste ... You can enumerate endlessly the charms of one of the most famous…


Global Warming: Places to visit
Leave your dream, such as diving on the Great Barrier Reef, skiing in the Swiss Alps - can always remain a dream, if you do not hurry, writes McClatchy News…


Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…
