Religious tourism
Pilgrimage, or travel with religious purposes - one of the oldest forms of tourism, which has deep historical roots. Medieval pilgrims were among the first tourists.Religious travel has three main…

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Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…

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The best resorts in Bulgaria
For a summer beach holiday Bulgaria is a win-win. It is very popular, so you should think about early booking now. Every year, more than 4.5 million tourists visit this…

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Holidays in the Maldives
Indian Ocean in the south-west of Ceylon, almost at the very equatorus is the coral archipelago - Maldives. It consists of nineteen coral atolls, most of which are uninhabited. Each…


shopping centers

Country of rigor and luxury: 8 myths about life in the United Arab Emirates

Most of us are accustomed to think of the United Arab Emirates as a country where gold surrounds everyone everywhere, and the rules of behavior are strictly regulated. However, not all is gold that glitters, and even the UAE has stereotypes that do not quite correspond to reality.

1. Alcohol in the UAE
The overwhelming majority of the indigenous people of the United Arab Emirates are Sunni Muslims and strictly follow Sharia law, where it is written in black and white that alcohol is a sin and an abomination. Continue reading

What to take on a trip
Every trip can be stressful before it starts. And in order to avoid this, it is worthwhile to think in advance what to take and start collecting. First, a few…


8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with beautiful landscapes, favorable conditions for water sports are important to others, and others have plenty…


Morocco - hit parade of the best beaches.
Have you ever been to a place where so many resorts are gathered at once that you had to choose where you will rest today? And in the summer you…
