5 fictional sights, to which, in spite of everything, crowds of tourists aspire
In each country you can find places that are legendary and where crowds of tourists are heading for. But not all of them have historical value. After all, they were…

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Finland: one day in Kouvola
Small Finnish cities are unlikely to impress tourists with ancient architecture, many sights or a huge number of memorable places and entertainment centers. Rather, they will be remembered for tranquility,…

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Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist
Sicily - one of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock of the Italian boot”, is a favorite vacation spot with the locals and…

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What to take on a trip
Every trip can be stressful before it starts. And in order to avoid this, it is worthwhile to think in advance what to take and start collecting. First, a few…


just standards

Country of rigor and luxury: 8 myths about life in the United Arab Emirates

Most of us are accustomed to think of the United Arab Emirates as a country where gold surrounds everyone everywhere, and the rules of behavior are strictly regulated. However, not all is gold that glitters, and even the UAE has stereotypes that do not quite correspond to reality.

1. Alcohol in the UAE
The overwhelming majority of the indigenous people of the United Arab Emirates are Sunni Muslims and strictly follow Sharia law, where it is written in black and white that alcohol is a sin and an abomination. Continue reading

Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of the resort and the hotel, the selection of the tour, the preparation for the trip. Making an insurance…


Strange New Year traditions of the world
Despite the fact that the New Year is a traditional holiday and, in principle, one for all, each country has its own ways to meet the future with dignity and…


Global Warming: Places to visit
Leave your dream, such as diving on the Great Barrier Reef, skiing in the Swiss Alps - can always remain a dream, if you do not hurry, writes McClatchy News…
