Everything tourists need to know about Cambodia
Let's talk about stereotypes and real facts around the country that are unknown to many tourists. Cambodia is an extremely amazing, original and unique country, about which modern travelers, unfortunately,…

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Kerala: an Indian tale
Kerala is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Asia and is rapidly gaining popularity. Enchanted country in southern India, it is called the land of the gods and…

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25 places to visit in Thailand
Seasoned tourists admit that after a holiday in Thailand they are difficult to surprise with something. This country is a concentrate of impressions that has absorbed everything that the traveler…

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Morocco - hit parade of the best beaches.
Have you ever been to a place where so many resorts are gathered at once that you had to choose where you will rest today? And in the summer you…


even legions

10 of the worst tourist places on earth

Halloween holiday will come soon. But why wait so long to tickle your nerves and “inject” adrenaline into the blood? We offer you a list of the most terrible, in our opinion, tourist places on earth. Have a good trip!

1. Museum of the History of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA
The Museum of the History of Medicine in Philadelphia is the largest collection of pathologies, medical equipment and biological preparations. The museum is also known for a huge collection of human skulls. Continue reading

How to get maximum pleasure from travel
Going to another city or country, we always want to get bright and positive emotions. Traveling should and can bring good mood. The main thing - to know how to…


Religious tourism
Pilgrimage, or travel with religious purposes - one of the oldest forms of tourism, which has deep historical roots. Medieval pilgrims were among the first tourists.Religious travel has three main…


The best resorts in Bulgaria
For a summer beach holiday Bulgaria is a win-win. It is very popular, so you should think about early booking now. Every year, more than 4.5 million tourists visit this…
