Global Warming: Places to visit
Leave your dream, such as diving on the Great Barrier Reef, skiing in the Swiss Alps - can always remain a dream, if you do not hurry, writes McClatchy News…

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7 romantic places to stay in Spain
Dreaming of a romantic weekend for two? Why not opt ​​for Spain? This country is famous not only for its warm climate, ideal for sea holidays, but also for its…

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5 fictional sights, to which, in spite of everything, crowds of tourists aspire
In each country you can find places that are legendary and where crowds of tourists are heading for. But not all of them have historical value. After all, they were…

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Where to spend your honeymoon: the best resorts for a romantic trip
Wedding - an important event in the life of everyone, where you need to think through every detail. However, a well-organized honeymoon is no less important than the celebration itself.…


cloudy days occur

Holidays in Vietnam

Vietnam will give a diverse, informative, exotic and at the same time pacifying rest. At any time of the year in this country you can find a warm sea for swimming or diving, improve your health in the centers of traditional Vietnamese medicine, on hot springs, and simultaneously make successful shopping.

Vietnam has managed to preserve its rich civilization and high culture, despite the pressure of the advancing civilization. The country attracts tourists with picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, ancient architectural monuments, exotic and very inexpensive cuisine, as well as comfortable hotels with the highest service. Continue reading

European approach to winter holidays
Christmas symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, it is a celebration of love and happiness throughout the world. People share warm wishes, try to congratulate all relatives and friends. The…


Morocco - hit parade of the best beaches.
Have you ever been to a place where so many resorts are gathered at once that you had to choose where you will rest today? And in the summer you…


How to get maximum pleasure from travel
Going to another city or country, we always want to get bright and positive emotions. Traveling should and can bring good mood. The main thing - to know how to…
