Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of the resort and the hotel, the selection of the tour, the preparation for the trip. Making an insurance…

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Travel to Zanzibar: amazing sights of the island
Traveler called Zanzibar "African" Maldives - the resort is considered one of the best destinations for recreation all year round. The archipelago includes 75 islands washed by the waters of…

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Strange New Year traditions of the world
Despite the fact that the New Year is a traditional holiday and, in principle, one for all, each country has its own ways to meet the future with dignity and…

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7 sights of Turkey, which tourists do not know
Even seasoned travelers do not always know that holidays in Turkey are not only all-inclusive and first-line hotels. In fact, Turkey is full of interesting places. Standard seven nights is…


average annual air

Holidays in the Seychelles

Seychelles is an island nation located on 115 islands of the archipelago, 33 of which are inhabited. The most convenient way to travel between them is Air Seychelles. The movement on the islands is left-sided, besides – there are many mountain roads, the quality of which leaves much to be desired.

Seychelles are three-star hotels in real five-star natural beauty. Hotels in the Seychelles are luxury class, so the cost of living is very considerable, for a simple tourist who flew in to have a great vacation on the islands – the Seychelles will leave awesome memories. Continue reading

4 popular tourist cities, which in reality can greatly disappoint
Perhaps each of us at least once dreamed of being in Paris or Rome, imagining how he would breathe in the air, soaked in antiquity and admire the famous monuments.…


European approach to winter holidays
Christmas symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, it is a celebration of love and happiness throughout the world. People share warm wishes, try to congratulate all relatives and friends. The…


Kerala: an Indian tale
Kerala is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Asia and is rapidly gaining popularity. Enchanted country in southern India, it is called the land of the gods and…
