Finland: one day in Kouvola
Small Finnish cities are unlikely to impress tourists with ancient architecture, many sights or a huge number of memorable places and entertainment centers. Rather, they will be remembered for tranquility,…

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5 fictional sights, to which, in spite of everything, crowds of tourists aspire
In each country you can find places that are legendary and where crowds of tourists are heading for. But not all of them have historical value. After all, they were…

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Travel without borders: how to go on vacation without a travel agency
Traveling yourself without the help of a travel agency for the first time is scary. Habitual come to the operator and pick up the tour. But believe me, if you…

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Tourist guide: a trip to Sri Lanka
The tourism industry of Sri Lanka is well developed. The island is famous for its tea plantations in Ceylon, the mountain slopes of Nuvara Eliya, and religious and historical monuments…


e temple of Isis

5 fictional sights, to which, in spite of everything, crowds of tourists aspire

In each country you can find places that are legendary and where crowds of tourists are heading for. But not all of them have historical value. After all, they were created based on favorite films or plots of famous books, and now all this is presented as a landmark, misleading gullible tourists. We picked up the mostfamous dummy sites.

1. House of Sherlock Holmes in London (UK) Continue reading

A brief guide to Sharm el-Sheikh
Bright sun, two of the warmest seas, beautiful coral reefs, unusual underwater flora, rest for every taste ... You can enumerate endlessly the charms of one of the most famous…


Country of rigor and luxury: 8 myths about life in the United Arab Emirates
Most of us are accustomed to think of the United Arab Emirates as a country where gold surrounds everyone everywhere, and the rules of behavior are strictly regulated. However, not…


Iceland: what's useful on the route
Already very soon, from mid-May, the season begins on the Martian island of the Earth - Iceland.And there is a great temptation to talk about her as much as possible,…
